Carissimi Soci,
ho il piacere di comunicarvi che il vincitore del premio SIMAI, edizione 2017, è
Andrea Manzoni, Politecnico di Milano
che terrà una presentazione plenaria al prossimo congresso.
Nel seguito il giudizio finale della commissione internazionale che ha selezionato il vincitore:
The Commission for the Biannual SIMAI prize, 2017 edition, had the difficult task to select a winner out of a set of very impressive candidates. The prize committee assessed the candidates according to their scientific merits and the relevance of the research for applied and/or industrial mathematics. The prize committee unanimously decided to award the SIMAI prize 2017 to
Andrea Manzoni, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
because of his outstanding research work in mathematical modeling, numerical analysis and scientific computing combining excellent knowledge of both theory and practice.
In particular his significant contributions to reduced basis methods impressed the prize committee. Reduced basis methods can be an effective tool for obtaining quickly solvable reduced order models of parametrized partial differential equation problems. With speedups that can reach several orders of magnitude, reduced basis methods enable high fidelity real-time simulations of complex systems and dramatically reduce the computational costs in many-query applications. Andrea Manzoni and his coworkers use these methods mainly for model reduction of fluid dynamics systems, in particular in the solution of the parametrized electromechanical model for heart dynamics.
Heike Faßbender, President of GAMM
Thierry Horsin, President of SMAI
Pablo Pedregal Tercero, representative of SEMA