Il Socio SIMAI Marco Tezzele è risultato vincitore di uno dei due premi ECCOMAS 2022 per Tesi di Dottorato.
Congratulazioni a Marco da parte di tutta la comunità SIMAI !
Qui di seguito un estratto della comunicazione al vincitore:
Dear Dr. Tezzele,
The activities of the Evaluation Committee for the ECCOMAS award for the best PhD theses in 2021 were carried out in an online format due to the remaining mobility restrictions resulting of the Covid-19pandemic. As an answer to the call for tenders, the ECCOMAS member associations nominated 16 theses. .
It is our great pleasure to inform you that the ECCOMAS Evaluation Committee has decided to award you with one of the two prizes for your PhD Thesis: “Data-driven parameter and model order reduction for industrial optimisation problems with applications in naval engineering”
Congratulations!! The award comprises a diploma, a sum of 2000 Euros plus the cost for the attendance of the Award Ceremony.
The Award will be handed over in Oslo, on Monday, June 6, during the Opening ceremony.
Congratulations once more, and best wishes,
Manolis Papadrakakis and Pedro Díez
President and Secretary of the Evaluation Committee